No-Kill Policy

Many of our members and supporters have asked what does a "no-kill"policy mean?  There is not a precise definition but the following paragraph explains what a "no-Kill" policy means to Eastshore Humane Association.

Eastshore does not believe in euthanizing any animal that can be medically treated or behaviorally trained to be adoptable.  If an animal is suffering, in pain and not curable, we believe that it is an act of kindness to euthanize that animal.  Also, any animal that poses a threat to public safety and if the behavior cannot be modified, this animal will be euthanized.   ESHA is not a public drop-off shelter.  Animals are taken in by appointment based on the shelter's capacity for care.  When intake capacity is full, animals will be placed on our waiting list.  You will be contacted when capacity allows animal intake. ESHA uses reputable breed rescue groups.  These groups know the breed and have a nationwide network to help find these animals a home. ESHA uses foster homes as a short-term solution.  By working with the foster family, we insure that the animal being fostered is returned to the shelter to be available for adoption.

NO KILL Network Links Directory

Eastshore Humane Association is on the NO KILL Network Links Directory.  Spread the word!!